Graph theory, the study of graphs and digraphs in mathematics, has recently garnered significant attention both as a mathematical research field and for its applications within mathematics and other disciplines. This area of mathematics traces its roots back to Leonhard Euler’s solution to the Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem in 1736, though the term "graph" was first used by James Joseph Sylvester in 1878. The first textbook on graph theory was published by Dénes König in 1936.
Graph theory involves the study of graphs, which are structures composed of vertices (or nodes) connected by edges (or links). In certain problems, the direction of these links matters, leading to the use of digraphs (directed graphs). The field has since evolved, encompassing numerous sub-areas as geared by the proof techniques employed and more, these sub-areas include among many other examples such as algebraic graph theory, geometric graph theory, spectral graph theory, topological graph theory, distance theory, domination theory, graph colorings, planarity, probabilistic methods, applied graph theory and more.
Aims and Objectives of the Workshop
The Workshop on Graph Theory (WGT) aims to foster collaboration, information sharing, and training between experienced mathematicians and the new generation of researchers, including post-doctoral fellows and postgraduate students. It seeks to add a practical dimension to the conceptual and theoretical School on Graph Theory (SGT) – and to consolidate it with the Graph Theory Research Retreat (GTRR).
By introducing the WGT, we aim to create a dynamic platform that enhances the SGT's engaging sessions and broadens participation in the GTRR. The workshop will provide lectures to disseminate knowledge and build a foundation for collaboration, catering to both established and aspiring mathematicians.
The existence of all three events—SGT, GTRR, and WGT—is vital for the development of graph theory. The SGT promotes international expertise sharing and broadens participants' understanding of graph theory. The GTRR facilitates collaboration and mutual support among faculty members in graph theory. The WGT aims to bridge the knowledge gap between seasoned researchers and postgraduate students, fostering lasting collaboration among students and raising awareness of various sub-areas of research in mathematics.
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